It's quite comical to look back at how music has been delivered to us over the years, isn't it ?
But, ya know, when I listen to old 45's, I still really want that scratchy old mono sound that we got from our old record player. And, boy oh boy, that unit took a beating and just kept on ticking ! I'm sure that, whatever musical graveyard it rests in now, it still has a nickel on the arm !!
There are some tunes that I listen to, to this very day, that just don't sound right, without the "skip" at that one particular spot. Somehow, the song was "just so" and, without the skip, well, it's just not the same -- kinda spoils the memory.
When I was in my teens, my brother left a "component stereo" (Wow...I've died and gone to Heaven !) at our house. The only room we had to store it was in my bedroom. Darn ! What a burden !!
Once I moved away to attend college, I can't seem to recall what we had, but I know we had it. I know, 'cause we kinda had a few parties. A guy at one of our parties just kept playing "Star Star" from Goat's Head Soup. So I know we had a turntable of some description.
After I had been working for a while, I spent a lot of money on my first "stereo"....Gosh, I think it was about $150 ! I know, I know...just plain crazy & frivolous ! But, consider if you will, it was great quality stuff .... brand name was Citizen !! It had a receiver, AM/FM radio, 8-track player, turntable, 2 speakers and the stand....all for that price. I lost more than a few nights' sleep over that exhorbitant expense.
Several years later, a co-worker helped me select "good" stereo components. Needless to say, they were'nt anywhere near the cool stuff I'd seen at what were my almost daily lunch hour trips to Bay Bloor Radio ... I wish !!
Today, my stereo system is just what it is. What with music coming out of everything these days, I just don't see the sense or need to upgrade. And, yes, the hisses and pops that I've always known and loved still come through perfectly fine.